Welcome to Geekbench Browser Python documentation!

Installation & Usage

Geekbench Browser Python

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PyPI Version Supported Python versions License

Simple package for getting data from browser.geekbench.com.


Install this via pip (or your favourite package manager):

pip install geekbench-browser-python


Both geekbench-browser and gbr are available as CLI commands. Requests are cached in ~/.cache/geekbench-browser-python by default and refreshed every 24 hours.

  • Getting all data

$ gbr
(very long output)
  • Getting specific CPU data (Not case sensitive)

$ gbr 3600x 3900x
┃                     description         single  multi  icon        family   samples ┃
│ AMD Ryzen 5 3600X   3.8 GHz (6 cores)   1243    6857   amd-ryzen5  Matisse  9606    │
│ AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT  3.8 GHz (6 cores)   1301    7041   amd         Matisse  3241    │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 3900X   3.8 GHz (12 cores)  1275    11664  amd-ryzen9  Matisse  24420   │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT  3.8 GHz (12 cores)  1316    11958  amd         Matisse  3409    │
  • Getting current CPU data and speific CPU data

$ gbr current 3900x
┃                     description         single  multi  icon        family   samples ┃
│ AMD Ryzen 9 3900X   3.8 GHz (12 cores)  1275    11664  amd-ryzen9  Matisse  24420   │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT  3.8 GHz (12 cores)  1316    11958  amd         Matisse  3409    │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 3950X   3.5 GHz (16 cores)  1295    14127  amd-ryzen9  Matisse  11023   │
  • Sorting by single score

$ gbr "ryzen 9" -s single
┃                     description         single  multi  icon        family     samples ┃
│ AMD Ryzen 9 7950X   4.5 GHz (16 cores)  2191    23093  amd         Raphael    5996    │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 7900X   4.7 GHz (12 cores)  2181    19243  amd         Raphael    1857    │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 7900    3.7 GHz (12 cores)  2098    17982  amd         Raphael    177     │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 5950X   3.4 GHz (16 cores)  1682    16439  amd         Vermeer    58690   │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 5900X   3.7 GHz (12 cores)  1671    13899  amd         Vermeer    60238   │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 5900    3.0 GHz (12 cores)  1626    12224  amd         Vermeer    345     │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX  3.3 GHz (8 cores)   1513    9174   amd         Rembrandt  1639    │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 6900HS  3.3 GHz (8 cores)   1416    8479   amd         Rembrandt  1696    │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX  3.3 GHz (8 cores)   1410    7640   amd         Cezanne    13702   │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT  3.8 GHz (12 cores)  1316    11958  amd         Matisse    3409    │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 3950X   3.5 GHz (16 cores)  1295    14127  amd-ryzen9  Matisse    11023   │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 3900X   3.8 GHz (12 cores)  1275    11664  amd-ryzen9  Matisse    24420   │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 3900    3.1 GHz (12 cores)  1222    10768  amd         Matisse    1078    │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 4900H   3.3 GHz (8 cores)   1144    6854   amd         Renoir     1316    │
│ AMD Ryzen 9 4900HS  3.0 GHz (8 cores)   1079    6862   amd-ryzen9  Renoir     4532    │
  • All options

$ gbr -h
Usage: gbr [OPTIONS] [NAMES]...

  -mc, --min-cores INTEGER        Minimum number of cores
  -xc, --max-cores INTEGER        Maximum number of cores
  -mf, --min-frequency FLOAT      Minimum frequency in GHz
  -xf, --max-frequency FLOAT      Maximum frequency in GHz
  -ms, --min-single FLOAT         Minimum single core score
  -xs, --max-single FLOAT         Maximum single core score
  -mm, --min-multi FLOAT          Minimum multi core score
  -xm, --max-multi FLOAT          Maximum multi core score
  -i, --icon TUPLE                Icon to search for
  -f, --family TUPLE              Family to search for
  -s, --sort [name|single|multi|frequency|cores|id]
                                  Sort by (reverse is default except for name,
  -r, --reverse                  Reverse the sort order
  -v, --verbose                   Verbose output
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


Andrei Shevchuk
Andrei Shevchuk

🐛 💻

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


This package was created with Copier and the browniebroke/pypackage-template project template.